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Dear readers, The Last Critic is a platform that will bring up the true meaning…
The Last Critic wishes you all a very happy new year! We have entered into the third decade of 21st-century and this is going to be exciting for all of us. We are ready to read more and more and bring to you all the best things that we can do in terms of review and literature. We are also excited about the best literary events and unfoldings that are about to happen in India and the world. The very first thing that is destined to occur is the revelation of all the letters by T. S. Eliot that were sent to his Muse-lost Emily Hale. This revelation by making the letters public will be an interesting event to witness and also an exciting one for the lovers of the enigma that T. S. Eliot was.
Update: T. S. Eliot letters to Emily Hale
In 2020, we are looking to review as many books as we can and bring to our readers the best book blogging experience. Our readers will read our reviews every week (and sometimes every day as well). They will also see our choices for the book of the month every month. And, at the end of the year 2020, they will also find out our choice book of the year and also the ‘award’ that we will offer to the author who wins.
We are also looking forward to bring more interactive elements on our website to push more and more for readers’ participation so that the readers of The Last Critic are very much into the game every time we bring something new on-board. We are looking to include polls and other interactive features. The team is sure that our readers will like these inclusions and they will participate in good numbers in these episodes.
For now, we will leave you with the fervour of this new year. All those who are the readers should read as many books as they can so that the new year will feel the footprints of your reading pace all the year long. If you are looking for inspiration, any time in the year, do visit our website for the latest Indian books reviews and reading suggestions. Once again, the team at The Last Critic wishes for a very wonderful 2020 for you and all you know. Keep visiting our website for more exciting content throughout the year. Happy Reading!
from The Last Critic Team