Sriramcharitmanas aur Prabandhan Neeti by Rajeev Acharya & Surabhi – Book Review
We all are very much familiar with the term management. Whatever we do professionally or personally this term is closely associated with our lives. It is true that without management there won’t be any achievement. To.commence any journey, business or project, we need to keep in mind five basic elements of management planning, organization, coordination, control and leading. And to explain these elements and the importance of management, a number of modern management gurus have written numerous books, journals, articles that explain, discuss and give various management theories and concepts to us. However, if we ponder a little, we will realise that centuries ago our great writers Goswami Tulsidas Ji, Maharshi Valmiki, etc. had meticulously explained the principles and concepts of management in ancient Hindu epics. In ‘Shri Ramcharitmanas aur Prabandhan Neeti’ Rajeev and Surabhi, the authors, have tried to analyse and collect various management lessons, taught in the great Ramcharitmanas, and presented them in a simplified manner for all of us.
The management lessons explained in this book revolve around the lives of Prabhu Shri Ram, Devi Sita, Hanumanji, Ravan, etc. and decisions taken by them in various situations. The lessons indeed help us to hone our management and leadership skills. One of the lessons which I liked the most is that it is better to face the situation than to run away with the fear of losing. When everyone was eagerly waiting for the coronation of Shri Ram Prabhu. Mata Kaikeyi demands exile for Ram and the throne for his son Bharat. But even in that hour of distress, Shri Ram Prabhu, showing patience, agrees to the exile without expressing anger. This is what we all should learn. To face every situation as it is will certainly open new doors of opportunities.
With the help of quotes from not only Ramcharitmanas but from Valmiki Ramayan, Adhyatm Ramayan, Rashmirathi, Bhagwad Geeta, Raghuvansham, etc. Rajeev and Surabhi have elucidated various concepts like leadership, teamwork, the delegation of responsibilities, coordination, decision making, time management, self-management, etc. They have beautifully compared, with apt examples, scenarios of that time with present time to make us understand that the formulas that Lord Ram, Mata Sita, Jamvant Ji, Hanuman Ji, etc. used at that time are still valid and effective.
This book helps us understand that Ramcharitmanas is not only an epic but is an inspiration and a mentor too for each and every one. It is not limited to a religious text. It is much beyond that as it has its utility in every walks of life. And I believe it should be read by everyone irrespective of their age and gender. Now, why it should be read by everyone? Firstly, this book doesn’t give you new perspectives to interpret Ramcharitmanas. It has simply extracted some of the important lessons of management. Through this book, people can again reconnect with our culture and religion. They would realize the value and depth of our ancient scriptures. Secondly, it is about the transfer of our great cultural heritage to the next generations. As our ancient scriptures are difficult to understand for various reasons, books like ‘Sriramcharitmanas aur Prabandhan Neeti’ helps us understand them better.
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Review by Smriti for The Last Critic
Sriramcharitmanas aur Prabandhan Neeti by Rajeev Acharya & Surabhi – Book Review
- The Last Critic's Review
Sriramcharitmanas aur Prabandhan Neeti by Rajeev Acharya & Surabhi will prove to be a book that will help you understand the lessons of management and motivation from the golden literary piece based on our history, Sri Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas.