A Higher Conversation by Neil David Chan – Book Review
Neil David Chan’s book, A Higher Conversation, is one of the latest entries on the list of spiritual, philosophical and self-help genres. It is different in many ways from the books written by other contemporary authors in these genres. However, the main and also the only one that visibly strikes, instantly, is the fact that the author claims it has been written on the basis of his conversations with his own soul – Neil David Chan talking to Neild David Chan’s soul and this is how the book has been written. The premise and the set-up seem more than merely interesting and it would certainly bring many readers lured with the lucrative promise that Neil makes at the beginning. So, what is it? Does the content deliver what the premise promise? Here’s my review of A Higher Conversation by Neil.
Before I make any further arguments or try to tell the readers of The Last Critic why the book is wonderful and you must read it, let us all be aware of what A Higher Conversation is about. In this book, Neil tries to argue that we can all rise to the level of realising our oneness with the universe – and it begins by realising that we have a soul and we can differentiate between the soul, the body and the mind and then make all three work together. It might sound orthodox to some and to some, it might sound just fantastic. To all those to whom it sounds fantastic, please read this book asap because Neil has shared many Upaya (a Sanskrit term for methods, means or skills – Yukti in Hindi) by which one can establish the connection between the mind and the soul and raise the level of consciousness to realise the existence of the soul and strive for peace.
There are 11 chapters in this book. The book develops in a traditional manner and you get to know about the things as you go deeper into the content. You may have read the books by other authors and spiritual masters who might have made too much of these issues and made you believe that speaking to your own soul isn’t possible or is too difficult. However, Neil suggests that doing so is very easy. He draws his inspiration from ancient Hindu texts and tries to explain the process in very simple terms. For example, he asserts:
“If you can focus your mind away from a technique and to a path of knowing, then you can speak to your soul anytime you want to, then you can meditate with your eyes open or closed. It’s not the physical form you assume in order to meditate, nor is it the exercise, you do to assume a physical position to meditate. You do not need to do anything, just talk to your soul.”
Anyone who reads the above-quoted text from Neils book can easily understand that the author is talking about something which is too easy to do. Throughout the book, you will certainly realise one thing that Neil’s conversations with his realised self are evolved, tempting and perhaps a little too conscious to be comprehended by leisurely minds. And yet, the author does never let the readers feel that this is something that they cannot achieve. In Neil’s thoughts, the idea of oneness with your soul can be achieved once you throw away a technique and adopt natural means.
Neil’s book deals with the idea of oneness as explained in the Hindu Upnishads and tries to explain the idea of opposite pairs in a detailed manner – the opposite leads to the oneness. He draws the attention of the readers, at times, to ancient Sanskrit and Buddhist philosophy and practices. This will be very interesting for the readers who are from Indian background or from India. Neil’s book notes (the words coming from the soul):
“Whenever you see and observe an opposite, it is an illusion, meant for you to choose or rather give you the free will to choose. Now that’s true freedom! Choose life to celebrate. See through the illusion of death.”
I am sure that the readers who are interested in knowing things, trying new things, interested in Yoga and Philosophical texts, spiritual texts and ancient wisdom will surely like this book a lot and learn from it. Neil has done some wonderful work in bringing wisdom to the readers that we often ignore. If you want to read this book and realise what we have been ignoring and for what purpose, you can get a copy of this book in a digital format from Amazon India and read it now:
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Review by Parakashta M for The Last Critic
A Higher Conversation by Neil David Chan – Book Review
- The Last Critic's Rating
It is a wonderful, must-read and enlightening book that will compel you to think the things you have been ignoring thus far… read, think and reflect!