How can you develop an interest in reading books? Some helpful tips from a fellow reader
It’s not a question up for debate! Reading is helpful. Any famous person from any walk of life from any great nation always pointed out a few books that helped him or her in becoming ‘the person’. In addition to many wonderful ideas reading new books brings to you, reading can be a productive pastime. It can take you into new worlds, help you learn new things, and accompany you as you expand your horizons of intellect and wisdom. Do you see? Reading books is fun… and then, it makes that leisure productive and beneficial for you (beyond one’s imagination). Well, when it comes to reading books (and doing it passionately), not everyone is naturally drawn to it. And for many people, for many reasons, it can be a difficult job to develop a love for reading! If you’re also one of those who are struggling to get going and start your affair with books, this is the article you may be looking for on the internet! Stop opening new tabs in your Google Chrome or Safari, if you are one of the guys who truly understand the importance of an Apple machine for jugglers like us, and keep reading this article. Because now, the fun begins! By the end of this article, I am sure you will have enough motivation to start reading a book right away! Before anything else, here is my list of tips to help if you want to become an avid reader or just grow some interest in reading books (and enhance your personality in an all-around way).
- Pick that ONE right book, to begin with: Yeah! That’s important. Well begun is half done. We all know. So, before you want to become an avid reader, start with the one title that you can finish to the last page. This one will become your motivation for the future. We know not all books are created equal, and the type of book you choose can have a big impact on your reading journey. How can you find the right book for you? Yeah – read a few pages and see if you can bear it out or just savour it. If the book is appealing and consuming, you should continue and finish it off! Don’t start with classics or ancient books. Language and style might not be ideal for beginners. Pick something new, recent, contemporary and interesting enough.
- Can you give it some space on your daily agenda?: Once you decide on the book to begin with, you will have to find a few minutes or hours (depending upon your daily routine) to finish reading the book. In the beginning, it does become difficult to find the time to read if you don’t make it a priority. And therefore, you need to try to set aside a specific time each day or week to read. It may be before you go to bed, on the way to the office, or during your lunch break (not recommended though). The more you dedicate some space to reading in your routine, the better reader you become. Give it time!
- Already becoming a reader? Find a better place: These days, teenagers and curious explorers are always looking for some quiet, less walked, and hidden spaces (for what?). The same stands for reading! If you are already developing some love for reading and also finding time to do so, you may need to find a better place to read. A place where nobody can come between you and your book. It is better to have your mobile phone on silent mode and screens away from you. Reading is an intense task for avid readers and it does demand some privacy. Try it soon.
- Tired of the book already? Use reading apps or audiobooks: In the beginning, it is not easy to keep staring at and flipping pages for many. It takes time to develop as a habit. Before you start enjoying the feel and perfume of a physical book, you might have many breakups! It is natural. If you are also suffering from one of many breakups with your books, you may try something new. Try reading the same book on your phone (because it gives you multiple opportunities to read during short breaks) or even better, try listening to the book you could not finish as an audiobook. Having some time off and occasional break-ups might rekindle your love for books!
- Read enough? Join a book club or find a good reading buddy: Now that Jack has read enough, it’s time to share the joy, experiences and emotions with other readers. It is a fact that reading so many books makes you a good talker, an expert at conversation and a persuasive speaker. Why don’t you join a book club? If one is around you, join that. You can also join some good online book clubs if you are tech-savvy. Sharing your reading experiences with others is a nice way to stay motivated and engaged. If book clubs are not your thing, you can always befriend someone or many interested in reading books. Talk it out. Keep going.
- Imagine, posit, permit, and visualise yourself in the books you read: How many times has it happened to you? Suddenly a movie becomes more personal because you start visualising yourself in the place of the protagonist. Now the movie becomes more intense, impressive and a must-watch (many times). Isn’t it? The same can happen with books. As you grow as a reader and eventually become an avid reader, you will experience the same. Reading books (every kind of book) allows you to see the world through someone else’s eyes. You may agree or disagree at times. However, you get to know different perspectives. You can try to make connections between the book and your own life. Go with protagonists to visualise the world through the eyes of a supposed hero or try being an alternate personality by mixing your emotions with the antagonist or any other neutral character. It will be fun! Do try it!
- Read blogs about books, review websites and surf the internet: It may happen as you keep reading for years. You may run out of titles that you feel aligned with. In such a situation, you may try using the power of the internet to find good books for yourself. Also, those who could not get into reading books as a routine may try finding suitable books by reading blogs by critics, book reviewers and bloggers. Learn to accept and ignore the viewpoints of other readers while reading about books. Some may feel differently about the books you like. It’s natural. Just take suggestions and see if the book suits you.
- Take breaks and permit yourself to stop reading: When reading takes a toll, don’t be shy about taking a brief break! It’s important that reading should be enjoyable to you and it does not become a mundane task that you HAVE to do anyhow! Always keep a distinction between brushing your teeth daily and reading a book. If you’re not enjoying a book, that’s perfectly fine! Pick another. If you don’t find something suitable for a few days, do something else. Watch football or participate in a debate. Come back with good books to read or take some challenges in reading. Up for one?
Yes, reading can be fun. It should be fun. It’s always better when it’s fun. So, start reading. Never stop. Keep reading. You will eventually become an avid reader everyone turns up to for book suggestions. In addition to enjoying your time in a better way, reading always enhances you as a person and adds new abilities to your personality. By reading historical books, you can learn about the past. By reading science fiction, you can get a glimpse of the possible future. By reading political books, you can understand that there is a thin line that differentiates the Democrats and the Republicans. In short, reading opens many new windows of opportunities and learnings for you. Many have become riches from rags by reading books on investments. Many have become good writers by reading novels. One may become a good mother by reading some self-help books on motherhood and parenting. One can become a realised person by reading ancient books. It is a world of limitless opportunities. You just need to begin and continue, accept and pursue, and find the titles that suit your mood and requirements. All the best! To make your job easier, here are some reading lists that you can follow. You may find your first book… the book to bring you back into reading… or many books to keep you in a long-term relationship that seldom may last!
Classic Indian English Novels you must read
Best Non-fiction books to read
English Literature Books for Beginners
Begin with the book you love! These are just suggestions. You may get an idea. You have to read, buddy! All the best!
By Alok for The Last Critic
This is a very helpful article for someone like me who has not been a reader until now. I understand I miss a lot by missing books. I will try some of these tricks and see if I can be even an occasional reader… I need to be. Thanks a lot!
Thank you for the article. I found it very useful and also helpful.
This helped me a lot! I was struggling with readers block… if something like that exists. I will pick challenging books to sail across this weird situation. Thanks for the tips for readers of all kind. Unique.