Artificial Intelligence For Dummies – John Mueller & Luca Massaron – Book Review
Well, as the title of the book predicts, the book is not that simple as a reader might have thought after seeing the cover and realising the title. It is, in fact, a well-researched book presented in an easy way to readers who are not into the technical depths of modern innovations. And that’s why the book will give knowledge about artificial intelligence in a way that anyone without the expertise in technology can have a basic or rather a little advanced idea of artificial intelligence. So, if you are here to find a quick yes or no, whether you should read Artificial Intelligence For Dummies by John Mueller and Luca Massaron or not, you should read it. It will be an interesting journey, using human intelligence, to discover what the human brain can create.
In the chapter that concludes the book and on the pages that declare the book’s end, you will find a piece of apt information about AI – the true and very precise introduction as well as characteristic of the AI:
“When dealing with a relationship, people have to consider both intellectual attachment and feelings. The intellectual attachment often comes from a shared benefit between two entities. Unfortunately, no shared benefit exists between an AI and a human (or any other entity, for that matter). The AI simply processes data using a particular algorithm.”
Excerpt From: John Paul Mueller. “Artificial Intelligence For Dummies®”. Apple Books.
There are 19 chapters in the book and all the chapters are detailed in a very systematic, orderly and lucid way. As a reader predominantly from a hardcore literary background, I should say that I am more than convinced by the way these two authors, John and Luca, could be successful in delivering the content. Though the science fiction movies should be credited to stuff the minds of the people with confused notions about AI – Ex-Machina should be a prime example – John & Luca make it very clear for the ‘dummies’. AI is AI; AI means artificial intelligence and it cannot have emotion or intellectual union with anyone. All that AI does is store, analyse and process data to ensure there is an output for every ‘meaningful’ input.
The book also introduces the readers to the advanced contributions of AI in helping mankind with various ambitious projects that might be possible in the near or distant future. Building a colony on the Moon or developing an underwater city in the ocean, AI will be there to assist and work side-by-side. Well, there is a paradox. AI does not go beyond what’s already programmed and it should compel anyone with a conscious mind to raise the question – how can it help? That is something that is hidden in the womb of the future.
The book goes beyond discovering what AI can do, what people expect it to do and general theories and practices in action, the book also takes the readers into various other departments concerning AI – the history, the ramifications, the dangers and the usage in real sense. In short, readers with an interest in science will do enjoy the book and perhaps more… If you are one of those readers who understand the basics of intelligence, you will certainly enjoy reading the present book. You can get a copy from Amazon India in digital or paperback formats:
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Review by Anand Shiv Jha for The Last Critic
Artificial Intelligence For Dummies – John Mueller & Luca Massaron – Book Review
- The Last Critic's Rating
Artificial Intelligence For Dummies by John Mueller & Luca Massaron is a must-read book for science students, enthusiasts and anyone who is eager to understand AI in its basic form.